I designed a logo for my future company:
Here's are some links to my company's logo:
Deviantart: http://j-r-m-n-k-e.deviantart.com/art/Dead-Animal-s-logo-W-I-P-612657435 , Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20154366/ and Furiffic: https://www.furiffic.com/Mr_Insanity/view/71149 .
This is design of my future company's logo. My future company will be called Dead Animal. This is sort for Redbubble and other similar sites.
Anyway, I haven't finished this yet, I will finished the final design on the computer.
Also, please can I have your opinions about the current design?
Looks good, stick with the current design.
Ok and thank you.